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Wastila Whetstone, Kitchen

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320x23x11 mm

How to use

Sharpening a knife or "Puukko"

1. Moisten the stone with water.

2. Hold the knife at angle of 20 degrees (or the angles of the edge to be sharpened) so that the knife lies on the stone. Grind the edge with a circular motion so that some burr is created to the end of the edge. Repeat for the other side of the knife edge. The mud emerging on top of the stone helps the process, so do not rinse it away.

3. In the end the burr is neutralised with a few strong strokes on both sides with a slightly sharper angle than when sharpening.

Wästila Whetstone

The Wästila rock has matured into whetting stone (phyllite) slowly. In the course of million years, great heat and preassure has forged into good quality and fine grained mudstone. The main minerals in it are quarts, feldspar and mica. Every stone is hand picked and choosen.

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